
What's New
Quilt Kits
Clipboard Quilts
Small Quilts Just for Fun!
Applique Quilts
Combining Piecing and Applique
Pieced Quilts
Sew Charming Quilts
Quilt Squares - Small Quilts
Little Quilts Through the Year
Fit to Frame Quilts
Fat Quarter Quilting
Quilted Pictures
Quaint Little Quilts
Seasonal Quilts
Quilts of the Month
Wool Quilts
Baby Quilts
Totes and Bags
Wholesale Info

Lori Smith Quilts: From my heart to your hands
Quilt Shows
Meeting the public adds a special joy to my heart. Please stop by my vendor booth at the following quilt shows. I’d love to show you my quilts, patterns, kits, quilt themed jewelry, handcrafted products and visit!
    Road to California Quilters Conference in Ontario, CA - January
    Rusty Barn Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival in Phoenix, AZ – January/February
    QuiltCon by the Modern Quilt Guild - February
    Mancuso Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton, VA - February
    A Mountain Quiltfest quilt show in Pigeon Forge, TN - March
    Quilters Guild of Dallas quilt show in Dallas, TX - March
    Quilts, Inc. International Quilt Festival in Chicago - April
    AQS Spring Quilt Show in Paducah, KY - April
    Quilts, Inc. International Spring Quilt Market for wholesale customers - May
    Minnesota Quilters Show in Minnesota - June
    Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival in Overland Park, MO - June
    Common Threads Regional Quilt Show in Wichita, KS - June
    Shipshewana Quilt Festival in Shipshewana, IN - June
    Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, PA - July
    Mancuso World Quilt New England in Springfield, MA - August
    AQS Quilt Show in Grand Rapids, MI - August
    Quilt Expo in Madison, WI - September
    AQS Fall Quilt Show in Paducah, KY - September
    East Iowa Heirloom Quilters Show in Cedar Rapids, IA - September
    Des Moines Area Quilters Guild quilt show in Des Moines, IA - September
    Quilts, Inc. International Fall Quilt Market in Houston, TX – October
    Quilts, Inc. International Fall Quilt Festival in Houston, TX - November
While I enjoy meeting and working with the public, I am not available to give lectures or classes. My responsibilities to successfully operate my business and process orders have taken precedence over my teaching schedule. Due to liability issues, my quilts are not available for trunk shows.

Copyright 2023 Lori Smith Quilts: From my heart to your hands. Violators will be liable.