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Lori Smith Quilts: From my heart to your hands
BOTM Programs
Item: Sampler Magic BOTM Program
SKU: 3001
Sampler Magic BOTM Program
Please contact Lori Smith for pricing information.

Sampler Magic BOTM Program
Quilt finishes 64”x 80”
General details of the Sampler Magic Block- of-the-Month Program include:
  • The Sampler Magic pattern is available 2 ways. It has been written as a regular pattern (Item #0704) and it has also been written as a BOTM program.
  • The program includes the directions to make the Sampler Magic quilt finishing 64”x 80”. The program is appropriate for quilters with a good understanding of basic quilting techniques.
  • The program includes directions for making a 12”x12”, 8”x 8” and 4”x 4” pieced block each month for 12 months. The quilt is sewn together in sections that utilize the 3 blocks in each section. The participants could make all 3 blocks each month or the shop may select 1 block size for the program with the participants opting to sew the other 2 blocks on their own. Consider offering the fabric to make the remaining 2 blocks as an optional kit!
  • Also included in the program, the participants receive general cutting and sewing directions for the sampler blocks, finishing directions to set the sampler blocks, a color image of the original quilt and a pattern bag to store their copies of the pattern.
  • Suggestions are provided for running the program.
  • The BOTM program does not include directions for kitting the blocks. The yardage requirements to create the quilt along with the colors used in the original quilt are listed within the yardage requirements for the quilt. Bundles of fat quarters or fat eights could be distributed to the participants to make the sampler blocks.
  • The wholesale price for each BOTM program pattern is $7.00 for each person participating in the program for the entire year. The cost includes all of the directions to make the quilt. A minimum purchase of 20 BOTM patterns is required for the initial program order. Additional copies of the program pattern may be purchased after the initial order for participants joining the program late. The cost of shipping is included in the purchase price except for international customers who pay a portion of the shipping.
  • A 25% discount is available with an order of 50 or more program patterns. However, the patterns must be ordered at the same time to qualify for the discount. Subsequent orders of less than 50 program patterns are available at the discounted price.
  • If you wish to purchase a single copy of the Shop Copy (which does not entitle you to photocopy the pages for the participants), the prepaid cost is $250.00, which will be applied to your first order for the participant’s patterns.
  • To ensure print quality, I do the pattern printing for the participants. All pages for the entire program arrive in the first shipment. For ease of distribution throughout the year, the pattern pages for the blocks, setting directions and color cover are printed and packaged individually.
  • Individual patterns are available for shops considering the program. However, there is a difference between the individual pattern and the BOTM program pattern. Consider purchasing an individual pattern, make the quilt and decide if you wish to proceed with the program knowing there is a difference in the BOTM printing.
  • Expect a 1-week delivery from the order date except during Spring and Fall Quilt Market.
Please email or telephone Lori Smith at (320) 252-5638 with any questions about the BOTM program or to place an order.

Copyright 2023 Lori Smith Quilts: From my heart to your hands. Violators will be liable.