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Lori Smith Quilts: From my heart to your hands
Four Plus One Equals Fun
The Four Plus One Equals Fun pattern series utilize four prints plus one background fabric cut in fat quarters for the creation of the quilt top, binding and pieced backing. Includes color images and directions for making the quilt top and pieced backing. Fabric charts provided to assist in cutting the pieces when using 5 fat quarters to make the quilt. Great for classes, clubs, kits, gifts and for having lots of fun! Note: Images show the quilt top and pieced backing.

Click on the title of the pattern or image of the quilt
for additional information or to place an order.


Four Plus One Equals Fun: Bountiful Baskets
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Bountiful Baskets
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Flowers for Isabelle
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Flowers for Isabelle
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Grandmother’s Basket
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Grandmother’s Basket
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Jacob’s Journey
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Jacob’s Journey
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Memories of Spring
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Memories of Spring
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Oh My Stars!
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Oh My Stars!
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Remembering Our Past
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Remembering Our Past
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Stars Abound
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Stars Abound
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Enjoy the Flowers
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Enjoy the Flowers
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Checkers Anyone?
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Checkers Anyone?
16¼”x 21¼”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Rocking Horse
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Rocking Horse
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Blessed are the Children
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Blessed are the Children
16”x 20”
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Times Remembered
Four Plus One Equals Fun: Times Remembered
16”x 20”

Copyright 2023 Lori Smith Quilts: From my heart to your hands. Violators will be liable.